Speeches & Conferences

Below you can find more information on speeches made at launches throughout the years.  You will also find access here to presentations made at our Annual Conferences and reports from seminars held by the Commission:


Commissioner Raymond Byrne, UCD Sutherland School of Law Seminar: "How Codifying the Law Is Our Future Present Or Let’s Talk About Leading Legislation As Well as Leading Cases"


Annual Conference: "Technology and Privacy in the Digital Era & Reform of Sexual Offences Law"

  • Chair’s opening address: Ms Justice Mary Laffoy, President, Law Reform Commission. AudioOpening Address
  • John Danaher, Senior Lecturer in Law in NUI Galway. AudioSpeech Notes - PowerPoint
  • Moyagh Murdock, CEO of the Road Safety Authority. Audio 
  • Noeline Blackwell, CEO of the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre. Audio
  • Tom O’Malley, Commissioner for the Law Reform Commission. Audio - Speech Notes

Launch of the Report on Knowledge or Belief Concerning Consent in Rape Law

Launch of the Report on Privilege for Reports of Court Proceedings under the Defamation Act 2009 

Launch of the Fifth Programme of Law Reform


Brian Lenihan Memorial Address: delivered by President Mary Laffoy 9 February 2019

2019 Brian Lenihan Memorial Address, delivered by the President of the Commission, Ms Justice Mary Laffoy, on 9 February 2019 in Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin. The Brian Lenihan Memorial Address is held annually and marks the substantial contribution of Brian Lenihan (1959- 2011) to Irish public life as well as his longstanding connection to the Trinity College Law School as a student, scholar and later as a lecturer.


Annual Conference: " Brexit and Law Reform in Ireland"

  • Chair’s opening address: Ms Justice Mary Laffoy, President, Law Reform Commission. Opening Address -  Audio
  • Keynote Speaker Advocate General Gerard Hogan, Court of Justice of the European Union.  Speech Notes - Audio 
  • Patrick Leonard, SC , Bar Council of Ireland. PowerPoint - Audio
  • Professor Blanaid Clarke, McCann Fitzgerald Chair in Corporate Law, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin.  PowerPoint - Audio
  • Professor Federico Fabbrini, Full Professor of EU Law Director , DCU Brexit Institute. Audio
  • Maree Gallagher Solicitor, Covington and Burling. PowerPoint - Audio
  • Ken Murphy Director General, Law Society of Ireland. PowerPoint - Audio 
  • Professor Christopher McCrudden, Professor of Human Rights and Equality Law, Queen's University Belfast  Speech Notes - PowerPoint - Audio

Launch of Report on Regulatory Powers and Corporate Offences

Launch of Draft Inventory of International Agreements entered into by the State


Annual Conference: "The Law Reform Commission’s Fifth Programme of Law Reform"

  • Chairs Opening Address, Mr Justice John Quirke, President, Law Reform Commission. Opening Address
  • Address of the Hon. Mr Justice Frank Clarke, Chief Justice of Ireland, to the Law Reform Commission Annual Conference - Speaker: Mr Justice Frank Clarke, Chief Justice of Ireland. Speech Notes
  • The Future of Ireland's Legal System - Speaker: Senator Michael McDowell SC. Speech Notes
    Conference Audio
  • Speaker: Ms Dearbhail McDonald, Group Business Editor, Independent News and Media.


Annual Conference 2016: "Regulatory Powers and Corporate Offences"


Launch of Report on Search Warrants and Bench Warrants

Seminar on Cybercrime


Seminar Paper on Disclosure and Discovery

Project 2 in the Commission's Fourth Programme of Law Reform involved a review  of  the law on disclosure and discovery in criminal cases.  In March 2014, the Commission published an Issues Paper on Disclosure and Discovery in Criminal Cases (LRC IP 5-2014) which sought views in relation to the questions raised in the project.  As part of this consultation process the Commission held a public seminar on Disclosure and Discovery in Criminal Cases on 21 May 2014.  This report is a summary of the discussion at the seminar.  The views of those who spoke at the seminar were considered alongside the written submissions received by the Commission when considering recommendations for inclusion in its Report on Disclosure and Discovery in Criminal Cases, published in 2014


Launch of the Report on the Law Reform Commission's Fourth Programme of Law Reform


2012 Annual Meeting of Law Commissions from Five Jurisdictions
                     (England & Wales, Jersey, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Ireland)


Launch of Interim Report on Personal Debt Management and Debt Enforcement, May 2010

Launch of Reports on the Consolidation and Reform of the Courts Acts and, Alternative Dispute Resolution: Mediation and Conciliation


Annual Conference 2009: "Reforming the Law on Personal Debt"

Launch of Consultation Paper on Legal Aspects of Family Relationships 2009

Launch of Consultation Paper on Legal Aspects of Carers 2009


Annual Conference 2008: Bioethics: Advance Care Directives


Launch of the Third Programme of Law Reform 2007 

Annual Conference 2007:Third Programme of Law Reform


Annual Conference 2006: Cohabitation: Models for Legal Reform


Annual Conference 2005: Guardianship: A New Structure for Vulnerable Adults

Launch of Report on The Establishment of a DNA Database [5 November 2005]

30th Anniversary of the Law Reform Commission June 2005

Launch of Report on Multi-Party Litigation


Launch of Report on A Fiscal Prosecutor and A Revenue Court

Launch of Consultation Papers on Judgment Mortgages and the Court Poor Box


Launch of Consultation Paper on A Fiscal Prosecutor and A Revenue Court

Launch of Consultation Paper on Law and the Elderly