A7: Cork



The Statute Law Revision Programme considers the instruments in this category to be suitable for revocation.


This category consists of proclamations offering rewards and/or pardons to people who provide information leading to the arrest of persons suspected of having committed crimes in Co. Cork. The instruments were made pursuant to prerogative authority.


The Statute Law Revision Programme consulted with the Department of Justice on the instruments in this category. The Department agreed that all instruments were suitable for revocation.


Please note that spellings are recorded as they appear in the original print versions of the Dublin Gazette and have not been standardised or modernised. The wording of the subject matter of instruments is not final and is subject to change.


Reference No.

Date and Citation

Subject Matter

Digital Version


June 11, 1823 [D.G., Issue No. 10675, p. 317]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who shot and killed Richard Crofts of Kilclonsagh or Ballybeg, Co. Cork



September 16, 1823 [D.G., Issue No. 10716, p. 677]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who entered the house of Thomas Franks at Lisnagourneen, Co. Cork, and murdered him, his wife and son



February 27, 1828 [D.G., Issue No. 11410, p. 141]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who sent a threatening letter to Robert King Cummins of the city of Cork



December 31, 1828 [D.G., Issue No. 11542, p. 1]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who attacked William Lumsden, Chief Constable of Police, at his house in Charleville, Co. Cork



January 24, 1829 [D.G., Issue No. 11553, p. 53]

Proclamation for apprehending the two men who fired at Dr Norcott and his daughter near Doneraille, Co. Cork



August 5, 1829 [D.G., Issue No. 11635, p. 477]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who fired at Mr Lucas on the Mail Coach Road, about three and a half miles from Fermoy, Co. Cork



August 11, 1829 [D.G., Issue No. 11640, p. 505]

Proclamation for apprehending the notorious outlaw Daly, who fired several shots at a mounted policeman in the village of Shanballymore in the district of Doneraile, Co. Cork



September 2, 1829 [D.G., Issue No. 11647, p. 541]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who fired at William Walsh on the lands of Anglesborough, barony of Coshlea, Co. Cork



May 31, 1832 [D.G., Issue No. 12080, p. 377]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who posted a threatening notice on the door of the Petty Sessions house and market house at Boulabery, near the town of Roscarbery, Co. Cork



July 12, 1832 [D.G., Issue No. 12097, p. 450]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who, with their faces blackened, attacked the farmhouse of Mr Sullivan at Coolevolenane, near the town of Kinsale, and severely beat the inmates, cutting the ears off a man named Barrett



September 19, 1832 [D.G., Issue No. 12128, p. 617]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who violently attacked two tithe proctors who were viewing the crops on the lands of Gurrane, parish of Ardskeagh, Co. Cork



September 21, 1832 [D.G., Issue No. 12128, p. 617]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who cruelly murdered Francis Canning and Thomas Cumming on the lands of the parish of Doneraile and Ross, Co. Cork, while they were employed in viewing tithes



October 30, 1832 [D.G., Issue No. 12144, p. 733]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who severely beat Mr Warren, clerk of the session at Doneraile, so as to prevent him proceeding on his journey to Cork



November 30, 1832 [D.G., Issue No. 12157, p. 822]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who violently attacked the police at Kilmeen, Co. Cork



November 6, 1833 [D.G., Issue No. 12304, p. 622]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who fired several shots into the house of James Flannery Junior of the parish of Shandrum, Co. Cork



January 3, 1834 [D.G., Issue No. 12328, p. 9]

Proclamation for apprehending the seven men who committed a brutal outrage on a woman at a place called Killivallin on the Cork Road, Co. Cork



February 28, 1834 [D.G., Issue No. 12353, p. 207]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who forcibly entered the house of Honora Daunt of Hettyville, near Kinsale, Co. Cork, and robbed a gun



June 16, 1834 [D.G., Issue No. 12398, p. 434]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who robbed the house of Robert Roberts of Shanbally, near Kinsale, Co. Cork



July 19, 1834 [D.G., Issue No. 12413, p. 498]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who set fire to the premises of a mason who resides at Rathcormac, Co. Cork



August 4, 1834 [D.G., Issue No. 12420, p. 525]

Proclamation for apprehending the three men named Conglar who killed Michael Sullivan, near Skull, Co. Cork



November 24, 1834 [D.G., Issue No. 12467, p. 738]

Proclamation for apprehending William Lehy, who violated and beat Mary McCarthy as she was returning from Listowel to Grenan, Co. Cork, and the persons who aided and abetted him



December 3, 1834 [D.G., Issue No. 12471, p. 754]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who maliciously set fire to a rick of hay belonging to Mr Hackett of Blackpool, near Cork



February 3, 1835 [D.G., Issue No. 12498, p. 82]

Proclamation for apprehending the three persons who threw vitriol at Peter Prag, sawyer, near the top of Mallow Lane, Cork City, causing him to lose sight in one eye



February 21, 1835 [D.G., Issue No. 12507, p. 139]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who attacked a carman who was conveying herrings from the town of Youghal, Co. Cork, to Tallow



April 7, 1835 [D.G., Issue No. 12527, p. 229]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who posted two threatening notices on the chapel of Rossmore, parish of Kilmeen, Co. Cork, warning the landlords not to charge more than a certain rent



April 7, 1835 [D.G., Issue No. 12527, p. 229]

Proclamation for apprehending the men who went through the parish of Kilmeen, Co. Cork, desiring the labourers not to pay more than a certain rent



April 7, 1835 [D.G., Issue No. 12527, p. 230]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who attacked the house of a man named Brian in the parish of Kilmeen, Co. Cork, and threatened him



July 30, 1835 [D.G., Issue No. 12575, p. 449]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who threw vitriol on Patrick Dowe, cooper, residing in Cork



July 31, 1835 [D.G., Issue No. 12576, p. 453]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who fired at John Sheehy near Ballylanders, Co. Limerick, not far from Mitchellstown, Co. Cork, causing his death



August 20, 1835 [D.G., Issue No. 12584, p. 486]

Proclamation for apprehending the four men who attacked Mr Powel and Mr Leyster as they were returning from the fair of Ballybuy, near Dunmanway, Co. Cork



August 25, 1835 [D.G., Issue No. 12585, p. 490]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who attacked the potato gardens and a field of barley near the Allihies Mines, Co. Cork



September 7, 1835 [D.G., Issue No. 12591, p. 513]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who threw vitriol on Abraham Harty, baker in Patrick Street, Cork



September 10, 1835 [D.G., Issue No. 12593, p. 521]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who threw vitriol into the face of Stephen Herrick, master baker in Cork City



March 5, 1836 [D.G., Issue No. 12669, p. 153]

Proclamation for apprehending the eight men who entered the house of Robert Cary of South Quarry, parish of Macrony, barony of Condons and Clongibbons, Co. Cork, and plundered the house of money



April 6, 1836 [D.G., Issue No. 12682, p. 214]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who burned the house, stables and several head of cattle belonging to Edward Denlea on the lands of Gortacrue, barony of Barrymore, Co. Cork



April 22, 1836 [D.G., Issue No. 12689, p. 243]

Proclamation for apprehending the man who assaulted Michael Hurly in the parish of Desart, Co. Cork, as he was returning from Enniskean Fair, causing his death



October 12, 1836 [D.G., Issue No. 12761, p. 562]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who set fire to eight thatched out-offices belonging to William Howard Holland of New Grove, parish of Kilbonane, barony of East Muskerry, Co. Cork



October 17, 1836 [D.G., Issue No. 12764, p. 573]

Proclamation for apprehending the person who struck Daniel Donovan on the head while he was standing at the counter of a public house in the town of Clonakilty, parish of Kilgarriff, Co. Cork, causing his death



November 7, 1836 [D.G., Issue No. 12770, p. 621]

Proclamation for apprehending Jeremiah and Denis Lynch, who struck Michael Lynch of Inchimore, parish of Ballyvourney, Co. Cork, causing his death



November 15, 1836 [D.G., Issue No. 12772, p. 639]

Proclamation for apprehending Garrett Regan, Thomas Regan and John Broderick of Ballydoyle, parish of Castletown Roche, Co. Cork, who beat and robbed Denis and James Duane of Ballyvisteen, causing the death of Denis Duane



December 8, 1836 [D.G., Issue No. 12779, p. 706]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who savagely beat William and Michael Milner of Edencurra, a short distance from Woodbrook, parish of Fanlobbus, barony of East Carberry, Co. Cork



Janaury 20, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12794, p. 79]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who struck Murtagh McCarthy on the head while he was standing at the counter of a public house in Clonakilty, parish of Kilgarruff, Co. Cork



February 20, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12801, p. 143]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who maliciously destroyed the mill at Farcit, parish of Imokilly, Co. Cork



February 24, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12803, p. 163]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who murdered Timothy Murthy, tailor of the parish of Dirnagree, whose body was found in Lough Bog, parish of Drishane, barony of West Muskerry, Co. Cork



March 16, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12808, p. 201]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who murdered Robert Lane of Drumlee, parish of Glanworth, barony of Condons, Co. Cork



April 4, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12814, p. 245]

Proclamation for apprehending Denis Hallahan, charged with the murder of Timothy Crowley of Gurteenomahon, parish of Ballymooden, barony of the East Division of East Carberry, Co. Cork



April 12, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12816, p. 264]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who set fire to the cow house belonging to Patrick Leary of Caherbarna, parish of Drishane, Co. Cork



April 17, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12817, p. 271]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who maliciously set fire to the premises of Luke Howard on the Mall in the town of Youghal, Co. Cork



June 7, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12832, p. 386]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who caused the death of Cornelius Daly, a native of Co. Cork, whose body was found on the road near Garroveen, about a quarter of a mile from Carrick-on-Suir, Co. Waterford



June 12, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12833, p. 394]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who maliciously bored holes in the Lee and Waterloo river steamers at Cork



June 19, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12835, p. 411]

Proclamation for apprehending Edmond Flavin, who gave Thomas Finn several severe blows on the head with a pitchfork during an altercation respecting oarweed on the strand of Clanard, parish of Clonpriest, Co. Cork



June 29, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12840, p. 451]

Proclamation for apprehending the two factions who commenced a riot on the fair green of Killavardrish, usually called Carregardrohad, parish of Cannawy, Co. Cork, and, on the two leaders being taken by the police, united and attacked them



July 21, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12849, p. 518]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who maliciously set fire to a dwelling house belonging to James McGrath on the lands of Hightown, parish of Gurtroe, Co. Cork



August 17, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12859, p. 667]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who maliciously set fire to an out-house belonging to Jeremiah Donoghue on the lands of Moulnahorna, parish of Macroom, Co. Cork



August 19, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12860, p. 682]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who stabbed two cows belonging to Edmund Barry of Bantry, parish of Kilmacommogue, Co. Cork



August 22, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12861, p. 690]

Proclamation for apprehending Luke Donoghue of Burgatia, parish of Rosscarbery, Co. Cork, who beat his wife so violently on the head that she has since died



August 29, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12863, p. 713]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who murdered a male infant, whose body was found on the lands of Kilbarry, parish of Templemartin, Co. Cork



September 25, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12870, p. 785]

Proclamation for apprehending the person who inflicted a blow on the head of Thomas Hurly in Rosscarbery, Co. Cork, causing his death



November 16, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12885, p. 938]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who maliciously poisoned three horses belonging to Thomas Bradfield on the lands of Ahillane, parish of Kenneagh, west riding of Co. Cork



December 18, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12894, p. 1031]

Proclamation for apprehending the four men who unmercifully beat John Hanna, about a mile from Castletown, parish of Kenneagh, Co. Cork, as he was returning from the quarter sessions of Macroom



December 20, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12895, p. 1038]

Proclamation for apprehending the three or four men who beat John Honer, between Castletown and Enniskean, Co. Cork, causing his death



January 22, 1838 [D.G., Issue No. 12904, p. 49]

Proclamation for apprehending Patrick Connors, charged with the murder of William Curtin of Rathcormac, Co. Cork, and John Lawton and Cornelius Keefe for aiding in the murder



January 24, 1838 [D.G., Issue No. 12905, p. 54]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who murdered Michael Croker, whose body was found at Casey's Cross, at the end of Glanworth, Co. Cork



February 3, 1838 [D.G., Issue No. 12908, p. 73]

Proclamation for apprehending James Miles, alias Mokely, who is suspected to have murdered Robery Carty, alias Geany, at Middledowning, parish of Kilcrumper, Co. Cork



February 8, 1838 [D.G., Issue No. 12910, p. 82]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who fired at the house of the Reverend Doctor Thomas Campion in the townland of Curreheen, parish of Knockmourne, Co. Cork



February 15, 1838 [D.G., Issue No. 12911, p. 98]

Proclamation for apprehending John Conroy or Connery, who is suspected to have murdered Michael Croker, whose body was found at Casey's Cross in the town of Glanworth, Co. Cork



April 4, 1838 [D.G., Issue No. 12925, p. 224]

Proclamation for apprehending the men who maliciously levelled the house of James Murphy in the townland of Newlane, parish of St Mary's Shandon, Co. Cork



April 17, 1838 [D.G., Issue No. 12929, p. 253]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who severely beat Robin Walsh, who was found speechless and insensible on a road at Ballinderrig, parish of Bregowa, Co. Cork



April 17, 1838 [D.G., Issue No. 12929, p. 253]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who beat Robin Walsh, who was found on a road at Ballinderrig, in Bregowan, Co. Cork, in a critical state



March 8, 1839 [D.G., Issue No. 13022, p. 141]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who attacked several animals, property of Henry Good of Gurtnatubrid, in Bellyvourney, Co. Cork



March 11, 1839 [D.G., Issue No. 13022, p. 142]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who attempted to attack two cows, property of Hugh Toomey of Shanacluen, in Ballyvourney, Co. Cork



July 17, 1839 [D.G., Issue No. 13059, p. 398]

Proclamation for apprehending Patrick Coughlan, Patrick Walsh, Bartholomew Duane, and others, for the murder of Patrick Ream at Ballyvesteen, in Kildorrery, Co. Cork



July 19, 1839 [D.G., Issue No. 13059, p. 399]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who murdered Michael Bennett, at Glounakeil, in Clonfert, Co. Cork



September 23, 1839 [D.G., Issue No. 13078, p. 514]

Proclamation for apprehending the three men who assaulted Constable Patrick Lawlor, and Sub-Constable Michael Hardford, whilst being arrested the a robbery at Glanmire Road, in the city of Cork, and Mr Lawlor has since died from the injuries received



February 1, 1840 [D.G., Issue No. 13117, p. 53]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who set fire to the barn and haggard of Lord Ardenof Duhallow, in Castlemagner, Co. Cork



April 9, 1840 [D.G., Issue No. 13136, p. 233]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who have set fire to several houses at Scartavallen, in Carrigaline, Co. Cork



April 10, 1840 [D.G., Issue No. 13136, p. 234]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who set fire to the cabin of John Sweeny of Cummeen, in Donoughmore, Co. Cork



April 11, 1840 [D.G., Issue No. 13137, p. 242]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who set fire to four houses, property of John Nason, at Garryduff, in Gurteen, Co. Cork



November 19, 1840 [D.G., Issue No. 13200, p. 776]

Proclamation for apprehending the party who attacked several houses at Glanworth, in Fermoy, Co. Cork, and committed several offences including stealing money, a fowling piece, a powder-horn, silver cutlery and trifling articles



February 2, 1841 [D.G., Issue No. 13223, p. 97]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who murdered Timothy Ahern in Glenatlucca, Co. Cork



March 4, 1842 [D.G., Issue No. 13339, p. 265]

Proclamation for apprehending the three men who attacked John Wilson, near Patrick's Quay, in the city of Cork



September 26, 1842 [D.G., Issue No. 13398, p. 733]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who murdered John Brien of Drumrahan, in Rahan, Co. Cork



November 13, 1843 [D.G., Issue No. 13520, p. 743]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who murdered John Lochead, at Flourhill, in Doneraile, Co. Cork



January 15, 1847 [D.G., Issue No. 13863, p. 64]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who attacked the house of George Wallace of Guovane, parish of Knockarilla, Co. Cork



February 16, 1847 [D.G., Issue No. 13875, p. 270]

Proclamation for apprehending the murderers of Michael Fox of Coolasmultane, parish of Shandrum, Co. Cork



May 27, 1847 [D.G., Issue No. 13914, p. 709]

Proclamation for apprehending the murderers of Mrs Crowley and another unknown woman whose bodies were found in the Lake of Cashelfane, district and parish of Skull, barony of West Carbery, Co. Cork



July 30, 1847 [D.G., Issue No. 13932, p. 877]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who murdered Michael Maw Senior in his own house at Bridestown, parish of Ardnageehy, Co. Cork



September 14, 1847 [D.G., Issue No. 13946, p. 1002]

Proclamation for apprehending the murderers of Catherine Shea of Coonacloslig at Coonane, parish of Kilmacomogue, Co. Cork



September 29, 1847 [D.G., Issue No. 13951, p. 1045]

Proclamation for apprehending the murderers of Mr Leslie, agent to the Earl of Shannon, on the townland of Knuskskagh, parish of Kilgarriff, district of Clonakilty, Co. Cork



November 5, 1847 [D.G., Issue No. 13966, p. 1204]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who attacked the house of John Galway at Carroughloonabro, parish of Shandrum, Co. Cork



January 6, 1848 [D.G., Issue No. 13994, p. 21]

Proclamation for apprehending the murderers of James Casey, found on the road leading from Macroom to Coolmohan, Clongibbons, Macroney, Co. Cork



January 7, 1848 [D.G., Issue No. 13997, p. 38]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who sent a notice threatening to kill Thomas Boozain, of Knockahool, Kinataloon, Co Cork



January 11, 1848 [D.G., Issue No. 13999, p. 50]

Proclamation for apprehending the murderers of Catherine McCarthy and Margaret Reynolds, both killed at the house of Catherine McCarthy, Castletownroche, Co. Cork



April 18, 1848 [D.G., Issue No. 14039, p. 441]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who fired at William John Day at Fortrichard, Barrymore, Co. Cork



January 31, 1849 [D.G., Issue No. 14139, p. 101]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who fired into the house of L. Napper of Bantry



November 12, 1849 [D.G., Issue No.14245, p. 983]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who barbarously murdered a child, Mary Driscoll, and cruelly beat another, Mary Morris, at Lahanagh, Co. Cork



November 28, 1850 [D.G., Issue No. 14371, p. 901]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who caused the death of Stephen Wakefield, Lower Glanmire Road, city of Cork



December 10, 1850 [D.G., Issue No. 14375, p. 944]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who fired at, and wounded Robert McCarthy on Mushera Mountain, barony of West Muskerry, Co. Cork



April 7, 1851 [D.G., Issue No. 14410, p. 318]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who murdered John Browne, farmer, at Lowertown, barony of the west division of West Carberry, Co. Cork



June 5, 1851 [D.G., Issue No. 14428, p. 461]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who set fire to the house of Abraham Devonshire, Justice of the Peace, at Ballyda, barony of Ballymore, Co. Cork



July 19, 1851 [D.G., Issue No. 14441, p. 565]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who brutally murdered a man, whose body was found in the River Loura at Youghal Park, barony of Imokelly, Co. Cork