B5: United Church of England and Ireland in China



The Statute Law Revision Programme considers the instrument in this category to be suitable for revocation.


This category consists of an order subjecting all persons in holy orders of the then-United Church of England and Ireland in China to the jurisdiction of the See of Victoria in Hong Kong. The instrument was made pursuant to section 3 of the British Subjects in China Act 1843 (6 & 7 Vict.) c. 80.[i]


The Statute Law Revision Programme consulted with the Representative Body of the Church of Ireland on the instrument in this category. The Representative Body agreed that the instrument was suitable for revocation.


Please note that spellings are recorded as they appear in the original print versions of the London Gazette and have not been standardised or modernised. The wording of the subject matter of instruments is not final and is subject to change.


Reference No.

Date and Citation

Subject Matter

Digital Version


May 1, 1849 [L.G., Issue No. 20977, p. 1549]

Order subjecting all persons in holy orders of the United Church of England and Ireland in China to the jurisdiction of the See of Victoria, Hong Kong

London Gazette Issue No. 20977



[i] The British Subjects in China Act 1843 was repealed by section 2 of the Foreign Jurisdiction Act 1878 (41 & 42 Vict.) c. 67. However, section 2(1) of the Foreign Jurisdiction Act 1878 provided that ‘any Order in Council […] made or issued in pursuance of any enactment hereby repealed, and in force at the passing of this Act, shall continue in force until altered or revoked by Her Majesty’. This ‘saves’ the instrument in this category from being disenabled. As there is no evidence of this instrument having been revoked subsequently to its being saved, the Statute Law Revision Programme considers it to still be in force.