The Statute Law Revision Programme considers the instruments in this category to be suitable for revocation.
This category consists of proclamations, orders and notices relating to diplomatic relations and the observance of international treaties and neutrality. The instruments were made pursuant to prerogative authority.
The Statute Law Revision Programme consulted with the Department of Foreign Affairs on the instruments in this category. The Department agreed that all instruments were suitable for revocation.
Please note that spellings are recorded as they appear in the original print versions of the London Gazette and have not been standardised or modernised. The wording of the subject matter of instruments is not final and is subject to change.
i. United Kingdom Instruments
Reference No.
Date and Citation
Subject Matter
Digital Version
April 28, 1856 [L.G., Issue No. 21877, p. 1583]
Proclamation charging Her Majesty's subjects to observe the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias and Her Majesty the Queen
London Gazette Issue No. 21877
July 11, 1856 [L.G., Issue No. 21900, p. 2409]
Notice prohibiting persons who accept employment in foreign countries as railway labourers, miners, engineers, stokers and firemen from entitlement to relief as distressed British subjects
London Gazette Issue No. 21900
February 2, 1859 [L.G., Issue No. 22226, p. 453]
Proclamation prohibiting Her Majesty's subjects from contravening the Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Commerce between Her Majesty and His Majesty the Tycoon of Japan
London Gazette Issue No. 22226
May 13, 1859 [L.G., Issue No. 22263, p. 1977]
Proclamation commanding Her Majesty's subjects to remain neutral in the hostilities between His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Austria, His Majesty the King of Sardinia and His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of the French
London Gazette Issue No. 22263
March 7, 1860 [L.G., Issue No. 22398, p. 2399]
Order that the flag of any neutral power shall cover the enemy's goods in the event of hostilities between Her Majesty and the Emperor of the French or the Emperor of China
London Gazette Issue No. 22398
ii. Instruments Retained by the Statute Law Revision Act 2015
Reference No.
Date and Citation
Subject Matter
Digital Version
March 24, 1624 [Steele, Vol. 1, p. 162]
Protection of Foreign Diplomats Order 1624[i]
[i] The Protection of Foreign Diplomats Order 1624 was retained by the Statute Law Revision Act 2015. As statute law revision is an ongoing and continuous process, the Statute Law Revision Programme sought the view of the Department of Foreign Affairs on whether it was still necessary to retain it. The Department considered that it was suitable for revocation.