Commercial, Contract and Tort Law

Below you will find a list of publications issued by the Law Reform Commission relating to Commercial Law and the Law of Obligations.  Links are direct to PDF versions.  Where available, the equivalent HTML version is also noted:

For ease of reference, the projects that were undertaken by the Commission within this area of law are noted below.  Click to be brought direct to all publications relating to same:

1. Civil Liability of Good Samaritans and Volunteers
2. Privity of Contract and Third Party Rights
3. Corporate Killing
4. Multi-Party Litigation
5. Law of Limitation of Acts Arising from Non Sexual Abuse of Children
6. Privacy: Surveillance and Interception of Communications
7. UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects
8. Personal Injuries
9. Occupiers Liability
10. Malicious Damage
11. United Nations (Vienna) Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
12. Statute of Limitations: Claims in Respect of Latent Personal Injuries
13. Minor's Contracts
14. Liability in Tort of Minors and the Liability of Parents for Damage Caused by Minors
15. Liability in Tort of Mentally Disabled Persons
16. Report on Defective Premises
17. Law relating to the Liability of Builders, Vendors and Lessors for the Quality and Fitness of Premises
18. Civil Liability for Animals
19. Aggravated, Exemplary and Restitutionary Damages
20.  Section 2 of the Civil Liability (Amendment) Act, 1964: The Deductability of Collateral Benefits from Awards of Damage






















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