Forthcoming Webinar: Zalewski v WRC

By GavinWalsh, Thursday, 22nd April 2021 | 0 comments
Filed under: 2021.





Q U A S I - J U D I C I A L D E C I S I O N - M A K I N G P O S T - Z A L E W S K I 


5  M a y  2 0 2 1  a t  4 : 0 0 p m



The Zalewski case has produced a number of significant judgments in which members of

the Supreme Court grapple with the difficult intersection between the Constitutional provisions reserving the administration of justices to Article 34 courts and the ongoing march of the administrative state.

This is a landmark case on the application of the Constitution to non-court decision-makers and will therefore form an important part of the Commission's ongoing consideration of Non-Court Adjudicative Bodies and Appeals to Courts.


Chaired by:

Commissioner Maurice Collins, Judge of the Court of Appeal Speakers:

Tricia Sheehy Skeffington BL

Professor David Gwynn Morgan, Emeritus Professor, University College Cork Dr Laura Cahillane, University of Limerick


C L I C K   H E R E  T O  R E G I S T E R