A22: Meath



The Statute Law Revision Programme considers the instruments in this category to be suitable for revocation.


This category consists of proclamations offering rewards and/or pardons to people who provide information leading to the arrest of persons suspected of having committed crimes in Co. Meath. The instruments were made pursuant to prerogative authority.


The Statute Law Revision Programme consulted with the Department of Justice on the instruments in this category. The Department agreed that all instruments were suitable for revocation.


Please note that spellings are recorded as they appear in the original print versions of the Dublin Gazette and have not been standardised or modernised. The wording of the subject matter of instruments is not final and is subject to change.


Reference No.

Date and Citation

Subject Matter

Digital Version


May 9, 1828 [D.G., Issue No. 11441, p. 331]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who attempted to assassinate the Right Honourable Lord Langford on the High Road at Spring Valley, near Summerhill, Co. Meath



June 17, 1829 [D.G., Issue No. 11614, p. 357]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who waylaid and fired at Owen Geraty and Bryan Monaghan from behind a ditch near the Hill of Down, Co. Meath



October 31, 1829 [D.G., Issue No. 11673, p. 685]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who fired at Henry Parsons while he was returning from Rathrone to the town of Trim, Co. Meath



January 27, 1830 [D.G., Issue No. 11710, p. 50]

Proclamation for apprehending the man who shot at Robert McKay, steward to Lord Langford, at Summerhill, Co. Meath



November 27, 1830 [D.G., Issue No. 11842, p. 877]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who shot at Lawrence Harlin of Piercetown, Co. Meath, causing his death



May 31, 1832 [D.G., Issue No. 12079, p. 373]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who fractured the skull of James Campbell, bog ranger to Lord Longford, near Summerhill, Co. Meath, causing his death



June 12, 1832 [D.G., Issue No. 12084, p. 393]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who attacked the houses of two labourers of Mr Kinshela near Duleek, Co. Meath, and ordered them not to work for him



June 29, 1832 [D.G., Issue No. 12091, p. 422]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who fired a shot through the door of the house belonging to Patrick Duffy at Kentstown, Co. Meath, killing him



November 30, 1832 [D.G., Issue No. 12158, p. 826]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who entered the house of A.B. Valle at Baltrasna, Co. Meath, and took two stand of arms



January 10, 1833 [D.G., Issue No. 12175, p. 33]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who fired at Mr Hunter, postmaster of Summerhill, Co. Meath



January 14, 1833 [D.G., Issue No. 12176, p. 38]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who waylaid and fired at Mr Fishbourne, agent to his Grace the Duke of Buckingham, on the road between Finea and Oldcastle, Co. Meath



April 23, 1833 [D.G., Issue No. 12219, p. 237]

Proclamation for apprehending a person named Gerrard, charged with the murder of a policeman at Duleek, Co. Meath



December 15, 1833 [D.G., Issue No. 12322, p. 701]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who fired at John Fagan of Coleronan, parish of Kellecorigan, Co. Meath, in his own yard



December 31, 1833 [D.G., Issue No. 12326, p. 732]

Proclamation for apprehending the fourteen men who attacked the house of Mathew Doogan of Tubbermonon, Co. Meath, and stole a gun



February 24, 1834 [D.G., Issue No. 12351, p. 193]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who maliciously turned up some land at Colmolyn, Co. Meath



March 5, 1834 [D.G., Issue No. 12355, p. 223]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who maliciously set fire to a haggard belonging to Mr Dyas of Balrathbogue, Co. Meath



March 7, 1834 [D.G., Issue No. 12355, p. 221]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who shot dead James Bunn, servant to Edward Hussey, and Thomas Cudden, at Rathkenny, near Navan, Co. Meath



March 12, 1834 [D.G., Issue No. 12357, p. 239]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who attacked several houses near Athboy, Co. Meath



March 12, 1834 [D.G., Issue No. 12358, p. 241]

Proclamation for apprehending the eight men who broke into the house of Patrick Scully at Gaulstown, Co. Meath



March 29, 1834 [D.G., Issue No. 12364, p. 277]

Proclamation for apprehending four men who robbed the house of Peter Clarke of Doon, near Kells, Co. Meath



June 24, 1834 [D.G., Issue No. 12402, p. 449]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who murdered Michae Devine at Dollandstown, parish of Painstown, near Navan, Co. Meath



October 23, 1834 [D.G., Issue No. 12454, p. 669]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who attacked the house of Thomas Foster of Rouskey, Co. Meath



December 8, 1834 [D.G., Issue No. 12475, p. 773]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who robbed the house of Patrick Brennan of Clounmona, parish of Athboy, Co. Meath



February 13, 1835 [D.G., Issue No. 12503, p. 113]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who attacked and robbed the church of Loughcrew, near Old Castle, Co. Meath



March 9, 1835 [D.G., Issue No. 12513, p. 173]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who set fire to the house and offices of Foleystown, in the parish of Dunboyne, Co. Meath



March 17, 1835 [D.G., Issue No. 12516, p. 186]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who maliciously burned the farmhouse, property of Viscount Gormanstown, on the lands of Kilnalure, Co. Meath



March 31, 1835 [D.G., Issue No. 12522, p. 210]

Proclamation for apprehending the men who entered four houses on the lands of Killallen, Co. Meath and threatened the occupants to quit certain lands



May 27, 1835 [D.G., Issue No. 12547, p. 322]

Proclamation for apprehending the seven men who broke into the house of Michael McDermott, herdsman, on the lands of Rathbeggan, Co. Meath, and beat him



May 30, 1835 [D.G., Issue No. 12549, p. 329]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who broke into the house of Michael McDermott, herdsman to Mr Spring of Rathbeggan, Co. Meath, and inflicted severe cuts on his head and body



June 4, 1835 [D.G., Issue No. 12551, p. 338]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who wantonly attacked James Murphy in the fair of Clonard, Co. Meath, causing his death



December 18, 1835 [D.G., Issue No. 12635, p. 705]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who set fire to two stables belonging to John Morron at Johnstown, parish of Dunshaughlin, barony of Ratoath, Co. Meath



January 2, 1836 [D.G., Issue No. 12642, p. 5]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who set fire to a rick of hay and stack of wheat belonging to Patrick Coyne of Ballinbeg, parish of Clonard, barony of Moyfenragh, Co. Meath



May 11, 1836 [D.G., Issue No. 12697, p. 283]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who set fire to the entire out-offices belonging to Mr Garskin of Beamore, parish of Colpe, barony of Duleek, Co. Meath



May 26, 1836 [D.G., Issue No. 12704, p. 309]

Proclamation for apprehending the men who visited the houses of Michael Grace and John Roberts, ploughmen of the Reverend Mr Butler of Priestown, Co. Meath, and beat them severely



July 30, 1836 [D.G., Issue No. 12732, p. 438]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who threw a quantity of hay into a river on the lands of Crobay, parish of Clonard, Co. Meath



August 11, 1836 [D.G., Issue No. 12737, p. 458]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who broke into the office of the savings bank in the courthouse of the town of Navan, Co. Meath



October 19, 1836 [D.G., Issue No. 12764, p. 573]

Proclamation for apprehending the two ruffians who attempted to rob Catherine Murray, a widow, who resides in the village of Wilkinstown, parish of Kilberry, barony of Morgallion, Co. Meath, and violated her



January 12, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12791, p. 39]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who set fire to the cow house and barn of Thomas Bell of Herbertstown, parish of Killalor, Co. Meath



February 14, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12799, p. 123]

Proclamation for apprehending the eighteen or twenty persons who sunk a boat laden with oatmeal belonging to Edward Duffy amd moored at the Hill of Down on the Royal Canal, parish of Clonard, Co. Meath



February 20, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12802, p. 156]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who severely beat John Rooney on a boat belonging to the Steam Navigation Company moored on the Royal Canal at the bridge of Cloncurry, Co. Meath, causing his death



April 28, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12820, p. 295]

Proclamation for apprehending Michael Roorke, charged with murdering his mother-in-law Bridget Farrell of Golboystown, parish of Killallon, barony of Dennifore, Co. Meath



May 6, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12823, p. 318]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who set fire to the dwelling house of Stephen Trotter in Duleek, Co. Meath



August 24, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12861, p. 691]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who barbarously murdered William Hatch of Duleek, Co. Meath



December 22, 1837 [D.G., Issue No. 12896, p. 1054]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who maliciously set fire to an out-house belonging to Thomas Copperthwaite on the lands of Clonard, Co. Meath



May 28, 1838 [D.G., Issue No. 12940, p. 334]

Proclamation for apprehending three ruffians who entered the house of Henry Bishop of Cregg, in Nobber, Co. Meath, and beat him so severely that he has since died from the injuries



March 23, 1839 [D.G., Issue No. 13026, p. 165]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who severely beat and subsequently killed Philip Smith of Whitecommon, in Kells, Co. Meath



June 24, 1839 [D.G., Issue No. 13052, p. 350]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who set fire to the house of John McCabe, at Curmeen, in Moybologue, Co. Meath



July 24, 1839 [D.G., Issue No. 13061, p. 413]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who set fire to the house of Patrick Clarke, at Curmeen, in Moybollough, Co. Meath



April 8, 1840 [D.G., Issue No. 13136, p. 233]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who set fire to the haggard of Thomas Rotheram, at Triermore, near Athboy, Co. Meath



November 21, 1840 [D.G., Issue No. 13202, p. 794]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who murdered John Hoare, whose body was found lying in a ditch, at Gunnucks, in Dunboyne, Co. Meath



December 5, 1840 [D.G., Issue No. 13206, p. 833]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who murdered Rose Brady, in her cabin, at Scalterna, in Duleek, Co. Meath



March 22, 1842 [D.G., Issue No. 13343, p. 297]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who set fire to the out-offices of Ralph Ogle of Meath Hill, in Ardagh, Co. Meath



December 28, 1843 [D.G., Issue No. 13533, p. 869]

Proclamation for apprehending the person who murdered Joseph Sherlock of Sherlockstown, Co. Meath



January 27, 1846 [D.G., Issue No. 13755, p. 58]

Proclamation for apprehending the person who shot at Hugh Hanbury near Rathmoylan, Co. Meath



May 17, 1848 [D.G., Issue No. 14055, p. 569]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who murdered Catherine Marley in Swainstown, Lower Deece, Co. Meath



April 10, 1849 [D.G., Issue No. 14168, p. 429]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who caused the death of James Battersby, at Crowpark, Co. Meath



June 28, 1849 [D.G., Issue No. 14193, p. 634]

Proclamation for apprehending the murderer of Margaret Gartlony at Allerstown, Co. Meath



March 6, 1854 [D.G., Issue No. 14718, p. 253]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who fired at and killed John Lee on the road at Boysetown, barony of Lower Deece, Co. Meath



November 7, 1856 [D.G., Issue No. 14998, p. 1355]

Proclamation for apprehending the four persons who waylaid and assaulted Richard Grehan at Killeskillan, barony of Upper Moyfenrath, Co. Meath



November 18, 1857 [D.G., Issue No. 15107, p. 1097]

Proclamation for apprehending the persons who caused the death of Richard Connell of Robinstown, Co. Meath



September 25, 1860 [D.G., Issue No. 15407, p. 1073]

Proclamation for apprehending the two persons who, dressed in female attire and with their faces blackened, fired a blunderbuss at Richard Dyas, Justice of the Peace, at Grennanstown, Co. Meath
